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The Basic Law of all Life I had discovered in the year 2004. It is the natural law how it works with every living being at the one in an organically small way developed - as e.g. bacteria -, than also with the most highly developed living beings, the human being.This principle is the Basic Law of all life, that is the monocellular one, as also the multicellular life.

You can understand the content of this chapter more slightly and better, when you before the chapter "Psychology - natural laws" completely or also only in part have read - better studied have.
Table of contents
· The living being and the environment
  -> Illustration 0: Living beings are surrounded from environment
  -> Illustration 0.1: The closed Environment-Living Being Effect Circuit     
  -> Illustration 0.2: The closed Environment-Living Being Effect Circuit
  -> Illustration 0.3: The closed Environment-Living Being Effect Circuit
 - BIOCHEMICAL REGULATIONS (closed-loop system)
· Life, living beings and behaviours
  Basic condition of the life
· Receptors, comparison and behaviour
  - shortest definition of life
The Principle of all Life - short version
  -> illustration 1: The Principle of all Life (Representation 1)
The definition of the Principle of all Life and of the Life itself
  -> illustration 2: The Principle of all Life (Representation 2)
The Environmental Control Circuits (ECC)
The Organical Control Circuits (OCC)
1.The Environmental Control Circuit (ECC) - also definition
1.1The Environmental control circuit with the human being
  -> illustration 3: The Environment Control Circuit with the human being
1.2The Environmental control circuit at the bacterium
  -> illustration 4: The bacteria with its "behaviour-organs"
  -> illustration 5: The environment control circuit with the bacteria
1.3Conclusion to the Environmental Control Circuits
1.4Most fundamental processes:  Comparison and Behaviour
2.The Organic Control Circuit (OCC)
The "internal" balanced state  (the Homöostase)
2.1Native construction of an organism occurs "to plan"
3.The complement and the "connection" of the control circuit types
 -> illustration 6: The Principle of all Life (Representation 3)
3.1Examples to the complement of the control circuits types
  -> illustration 7: The Principle of all Life (Representation 4)
Required values, standard values and actual values in the organic control cicuits
Biological sizes, their required and standard values in the Organic Control Circuits (OCC's)
 - BIOLOGICAL SIZES (organical sizes), definitions, examples
 - To the emergence of the standard values
 - The influence of the selection to the biological sizes and their values
3.2.2Biological sizes and their actual values in the organic control circuits
3.3Sizes and their values in the Environment Control Circuits (ECC's)
3.4  Summarizing considerations to the Principle of all Life
3.4.1The dilemma of the homo sapiens sapiens
3.5 The balanced state of the living beings
4.    The most significant result of this discovery
The process of comparison  
5.Concluding and summarising stated
... there is not any difference concerning the fundamental and energetic  processes the living beings have to carry out in order to live and to survive.
6.Proof of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
  ·Prize competition at the end of this chapter

With this introduction I would like - so I imagine it - to make the entrance into the Principle of all (everyone) Life's easier and more understandable for you.
Unfortunately the way leads also here over fundamental, what, however, with a general educational or with logically considerations should be understandable. Therefore please try it.

Chemical elements and their combinations (matter) are what we find on the earth. These chemical combinations are existing as material arrangements (objects) which have mass and take space.   
We mention such material arrangements also as objects. "There can be objects in the fixed, liquid or gaseous phase." (From "Small guide chemistry", © Paetec, Berlin 1996, page 34).
Several objects form arrangements of objects. One describes such also as states.
In the case of changes of arrangements (states) one speaks of the event, of the happenings, of state changes and of processes to which I will still take position at other place.

Objects (they consist of chemical elements - see chemistry) have different features (properties, qualities) according to which one distinguishes her or classifies it. Depending on whether which properties (qualities) we consider, we assign them to the natural science chemistry, physics, biology, psychology (the psychology became the natural science of the contexts of experience and behaviour through my discoveries) or to other natural sciences.

The determination of different properties and features to objects leads e.g. also to the distinction from inanimate objects and the animated objects. We designate the last mentioned ones also as living objects or living beings or as organisms.
Features (to understand here as processes) from living beings (the live thing) are e.g.:

· absorption of nutrients (feeding), digestion

· metabolism, movement (also when this happens only cellularly)

· growth, propagation (increase).

Organisms (living beings) and the environment

Living beings have themselves, so as the human being also, in an environment developed.

Natural-legal basics of the Principle of all Life: LIVING BEINGS are surrounded from ENVIRONMENT !Illustration 0: Living beings are surrounded from environment.

This representation shows the actual relationships in the nature, indeed that living beings are surrounded from environment.

But such representation is not practical enough in order to examine and to represent the effect of environment on living beings and vice versa the effect of living beings on environment in details.

Accordingly one must think up new representation forms as a scientific researcher, which, however, assumes that the essential thing and processes are recognised.

To recognise the essential as well as the "simplest" and the most fundamental, is always the most difficult and in this case it is the effect course between environment and living beings.

The following illustration 0.1 shows such "simple" representation of the effect course between a living being and his environment (as if also reversed between environment and living beings).

Natural-legal basics of the Principle of all Life: The CLOSED EFFECT-COURSE ENVIRONMENT-LIVING BEING (Representation Nr. 0.1)Illustration 0.1: The effect course between environment and living beings

Please notice:

I always speak in future only of the Effect Course Environment-Living Being (or shorter Effect Course Environment-Organism) in the case of which, however, the whole closed effect course (process) is meant.

This representation shows the effect course clearly through the curved lines with arrowheads between environment and living beings.

The following representation is even simpler in illustration 0.2 which I will keep on using preferably.

Natural-legal basics of the Principle of all Life: The CLOSED EFFECT-COURSE ENVIRONMENT-LIVING BEING  (Representation Nr. 0.2)Illustration 0.2:  The effect course between the environment and a living being

An other representation (see illustration 0.3) of the effect course between environment and a living being is very usefull because it gives more space to represent the details.

Ilustration 0.3:  The effect course between the environment and a living being


All living beings take certain substances from the environment and construct their characteristic organism of the species.

In addition that an organism takes substances, it also must eliminate substances.

In order to emphasise this characteristic of the processes in living beings and to describe it, one speaks also of biochemical processes (see e.g. also metabolism).

A living being (the living being) is therefore most first of all a chemical (an organical) unity (an organism) which picks up materials from the environment and use it so, that it results in a characteristic, native construction and this, when neither forever, however long for a certain time (up to the death), to remain.


I name the characteristic construction for a kind of living being and its mode of operation:

the (native) Anatomical-Physiological Equipment of Living Beings.

You will understand little by little, as useful the introduction of such a concept is.

· A LAWFULNESS must work - the control operation (the control and the control circuit as a closed-loop control system).

Such kinds of processes, as they lead to the construction of organisms, can not occur anyhow, but they must run certain and controlled, that is, a lawfulness according to which an organic construction of the living beings occurs and will be maintained!

The control (open-loop control) and especially the control circuit (closed-loop control system) can offer such a lawfulness.

Please mention:

However, processes into organisms are "only" controlled in part. Then controls (no feedback occurs) perform and not regulations (with feedback).
Controls always perform, however, in connection with control circuit (closed-loop control system). For this purpose at other place more.

In other words:

The organic construction of organisms is possible in part according to controlled processes and according to the principle of the control circuit (closed-loop control systems).

 (closed-loop system):                

The principle of the control circuit, so as we use it also today in the technique, the human being did not create it first, but it arose with the origin of the life (in the nature).These first regulations were chemical regulations (therefore chemical control circuits), as we can see it with the bacteria.
One considers that they were used for the construction and the preservation of living beings then one can designate it as biochemical regulations (biochemical closed circuits).

I name these control circuits, that are necessary to the construction of an organism and work in an organism, Organic Control Circuits. You find a definition of the Organic Control Circuit later in this chapter.

Please mention:

              I did not derive the word "organic" in the concept Organic Control Circuit from the concept "organs", but of the "organic" one general, therefore of what forms an organism (a body of a living being) primarily.

This name Organic Control Circuits is valid thus also for single cell living beings, as it is e.g. bacteria. Bacteria do not have any organs, but they have "organic functional units" which carry out similar tasks as the organs at multicellular organisms and one mentions organelles. Also in a single cell living beings controlled processes work and they make also the organically functions of protozoon possible. 

You find a simplified representation of the control circuits which define The Principle of the Life (of all Life) in the following illustration 1.
(I recommend you to do a print of the illustration 1 - also of the other illustrations. You can have a look then next to the reading of the text also the graphic representations easily.)

Illustration 1

There is a box which stands for a living being in the illustration 1 to the right in front of you. Next to that, to the left in front of you a box is represented, which stands for the environment.
All controls circuits which work in a living being (in a organism) are represented through the circle marked in red (or magenta) colour in the living being. The name there in red says: ORGANIC-CONTROL-CIRCUITS.

The supply
In simplest manner the supply (supply of food and air because of oxygen; carbon dioxide and light for plants) from the environment is here represented by the line going towards the red circle tangentially with arrow.

In addition "other living conditions" are still necessary, as e.g. the surrounding temperature for a living being.

The elimination (excretion)
The elimination (excretion) of the materials left as result from the metabolism is represented through the line with arrow leading from the control circuits to the environment.

The attempt to distinguish life and living beings and to describe separately and to define, seems onto the first not made maybe and strange. But it will prove that one can reach in this case something that keeps on leading farther. Therefore now to the life itself.

It follows from the before said one that life can only be achieved when an organism and environment are available.

Mathematically considered and described that corresponds to a product


and not a sum "Living being (organism) + Environment".

· Basic condition of the life

Mentioned as before, living beings take matter from the environment, as e.g. oxygen, water, nutrients in various forms also in fixed form, that they, when necessary, cut up until they can be incorporated in the organism.

Some matters (materials) must be available absolutely, for animals e.g. the oxygen. Plants need carbon dioxide and particularly the "matter" light.

In addition other conditions for the life are still necessary, as the surrounding temperature. One can speak in this context of the basic conditions of the life.

· Behaviour (the behaviour of living beings)

Substances  and arrangements of substances (as objects, bodies and so forth), which living beings need for the life and survival, are available in the environment.
With these substances living being must handle purposeful, that is, in two extreme cases, to accept substances or reject. They do that through a certain behaviour.
Since the required substances are not available in the environment to the organisms constantly, it is necessary that organisms (living beings) themselves contribute something to that so that they receive the needed substances.
In addition should and must be influenced through the behaviour also other for the life necessary conditions so that they are used for the life and for survival.
What comes out in every case is the behaviour of the living beings!

The behaviour appertains thus to the living being and to the life!

 · A LAWFULNESS between living beings and environment must work !!

The behaviour of organisms must be subjected to absolutely very certain lawfulness! If that was not the case, living beings would behave wrongly and become extinct through that!

Therefore the behaviour must follow from a lawfulness or differently said: it must be the behaviour part of a lawfulness (a natural law) which works for the purpose of the life.

These simple and severe considerations force the question about a lawfulness that works between organisms and the environment or differently said a lawfulness (a natural law) that covers (and/or that one) the environment and the organism must weave. What therefore is such a lawfulness??

The answer leads also here to the lawfulness which are fulfilled in the control circuit (in the regulation, the control operation):

                    Organisms with the environment form control circuits!

· The ascertainment of the environment by living beings (by organisms)

So that organisms can carry out a behaviour useful for them and form a control circuit with the environment, they must be able "to interpret" the environment for their own purpose of the life and the survival.

This also means that living beings can be aware of the environment (see receptors, senses, stimuli) and to be able to derive behaviours from that. That is with all living beings given by the one in an organically smallest way developed, the bacterium up to the organically most highly developed one, the human being.


So we talk about the life, we then have to do it with an organism (a living being) and with environment.

In the environment the materials, necessary for the construction of an organism (of a living being), are contained.

The environment surrounding an organism (a living being) contains, however, also materials and objects which are useful for an organism, less useful or even harmful.

Through his behaviour can and must an organism (the living being) do a "selection of the environment", around to improve or even to optimise its living conditions.


In order "to find out" the environment, that is more precise, around the environment mediates get, a living being has so-called receptors.

On lowest stage of the development (of evolution) these are chemical receptors (see e.g. at bacteria).

Comparison and behaviour

Receptors mediate to an organism environment. This information is processed in the organism so that it can carry out a comparison (a required value - actual value comparison) that result leads to his behaviour.

The behaviour of an organism has the purpose to establish a favourable, an optimal "relation and relationship" to the environment.

This is the Principle of all (of everyone) Life's, as I it little by little coming in describe and to represent becomes and it can be described shortly with the following sentences:

Two basic control circuits (closed-loop control systems) in the case of which the behaviour occurs in             
the control circuit that organisms (living being) with the environment form and which complements
the control circuits that run in the organism.

In this description of the Principle of the Life and all life's also, this comes to the expression what I meant before with the sentence:

Mathematically considered and described the life corresponds to a product "Life = Living being (organism) x Environment" (and not a sum "Living being + environment)".

I can even give a shorter definition of the Principle of all Life and in this way also of the life itself.

The shortest definition of the Basic Law - of the Principle - of all Life:

THE PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE consists in the complement of Environmental- and Organical Control Circuits!        

As a definition for the life:

Life becomes through the complement of Organical- and Environmental Control Circuits realised.               

As with all definitions or formulas one must know what the single concepts (terms) means in the definition or in a formula. I explained a part of the concepts used in this definition in preceding chapters (e.g. in the chapter Psychology - their natural laws) and I will describe further concepts in this chapter and explain and define them.



It also must mean, that all characteristics of living beings, as they are named today in the science in order to describe (to define) living beings, are realised by these control circuits complementing themselves.

I had performed such processes which are features of living beings some lines before the illustration 0.

At the end of this chapter, if you have completely gone through the Principle of all Life, you check please whether you find realised by these control circuits complementing themselves all features of living beings and all processes* that would drive living beings.

If that is the case, you understood the Principle of all Life.

*) Such Processes are: Absorption of nutrients, digestion, metabolism, movement (also, when this happens only cellularly), growth and increase.

The Principle of all Life was discovered by Dietmar G. West in 2004.


The following illustration 1 is a simplified representation of the Principle of all Life. This representation (representation nr. 1) is basically the cover insert of my book published in the year 2005 with the title complemented with English words: The Principle of all Life (ISBN 3-00-015868-5).

The PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE  (Representation Nr. 1)Illustration 1: Organic- and Environ mental Control Circuits (The Principle of all Life).

Living beings developed in an environment. Therefore they need materials for their construction and for the preservation of their life from the environment. For this purpose interactions exist between living beings and environment that realises in Environment Control Circuits. - The organic construction and its preservation requires Organic Control Circuits.

This principle is as old as the life, some billions of years, is. For so long the nature guarded this secret; now we know the principle: two control circuit types, Organic - and Environment Control Circuits.

 > Both control types complement themselves and make lives possible. <.

What you can see in the illustration 1 is a graphic representation of this complement of Environmental and Organic Control Circuits.

What this illustration shows, one can describe also with words. These show then the simplest and most comprehensive definition of the Principle of all Life and of the life itself.

Definition of the Principle of all Life and of the life itself:

THE PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE consists in the complement of Environmental and Organ Control Circuits!               

Organic- and Environment Control Circuits
are especially marked with the human being, the organically most highly developed living being. The relationship of the human being to the environment occurs by natural lawfulness in the Environmental Control Circuits. I mention it therefore: Environment-Human Being Control Circuit.

Two necessary functional areas are experience (in sense of "Erleben*") and behaviour in the Environmental-Human Being Control Circuit.

For all life and in this way for all living beings Organic- and Environmental Control Circuits are the most basic processes and lives make possible.

Living beings in a small way developed, as e.g. bacteria, do not have any brain as the human being has it as a controller, but also they have amazing "organic areas" which serve the same purpose.

Before my proceeding with further details, I offer in the following one a graphic representation (representation nr. 2/illustration nr. 2) which shows more details from the Principle of all Life:

The PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE  (Representation Nr. 2)Illustration 2:  The Principle of all Life


In this representation (representation nr. 2/illustration 2) the course of the black lines with arrowhead shows the environmental control circuits which are represented by an Environmental Control Circuit here as a deputy for all Environmental Control Circuits. This effect course is represented here running clockwise.

So that you recognise this Environmental Control Circuit more easily and can pursue this Environmental Control Circuit, I repeat expressions of the single components here in this control circuit. I begin with the environment (the box to the left):

Environment (controlled variables) --> event-so (actual value-so) --> sense organs, sense cells or receptors --> (to follow in the controller) actual value-p --> box A --> actual value --> comparison (represented through the circle) with the required value/value of the reference variable  --> corresponding value of the manipulated variable --> box B --> outside of the controller final control elements (behaviour organs) --> behaviour --> environment (controlled variables).

In this way the Environmental Control Circuit closes !

Through the Environmental Control Circuits all living beings are in the situation to come into an interaction with the environment and to behave according to their kind.

When a living being through its Environmental Mediating Organs (those ones are certain sense organs or with organically low developed living beings only receptors, as e.g. at the bacterium) animated or lifeless objects of the environment are mediated, is this the cause for a behaviour.

"Relationships" to the objects result from that. These "relationships" can be more or less superficial, intense or of vigorous interest for life and surviving.

I only want to point out such kinds of considerations here, to treat more in detail around them at other place (for example in the chapter "Psychology - their natural laws").


Said as already before, I did not derive the word "organic" in the concept Organic Control Circuit from the term "organs", but of the "organic" one general, therefore of what forms an organism (a living being) primarily.

And I also repeat: The concept Organic Control Circuit is valid thus also for a protozoa (singlecell living being), as it is e.g. bacteria. Bacteria do not have any organs, but they have "organic functional units" which carry out similar tasks as the organs at multicellular organisms and one mentions it organelles.

Also in a protozoon (single-celled living being) controlled processes take place and they make also the organic functioning of protozoon possible.

An Organic Control Circuit (see illustration 2) is drawn into reds, which, as also the Environmental Control Circuit, to understand only as a deputy for all control circuits working in an organism here in each case.

The effect course is runningly represented here against the clockwise and it takes place in the living being (in the organism).

(Remark: I will write about the hierarchy of the organ control circuits.)

So that you recognise also this organ control circuit more easily and can pursue also this organ control circuit, I repeat the names of the single components in this control circuit. I begin with the controlled variable:

Controlled variable --> feeler/receptors --> (to follow in the controller) actual value --> comparison (represented through the circle) with the required value or the reference variable) --> corresponding value oft he manipulated variable --> (outside of the controller) final control elements --> controlled process --> controlled variable.

In this way the Organic Control Circuit closes !

According to this "overview" I go first of all for the further description of the Environmental Control Circuits in order to show that these are necessary and available with all living beings with the human being as the organically most highly developed living being than also at the bacterium, the living being in an organically smallest way developed.


(It can be mentioned also Environmental Living Being Control Circuit or when a human being is considered, Environmental Human being Control Circuit.)


           The Environmental Control Circuit (Definition)

In the Environment Control Circuit an organism with the environment forms control circuits !

More precisely:

A living being forms control circuits in each case with different objects of the environment!

The controlled variables lie in the environment!

The Environment Control Circuit is a part of the Principle of all Life and it must be thus effective with every living being.

In order to prove that every living being carries out a behaviour in a control circuit that it forms with the environment, is not necessarily to prove the Environment Control Circuit with all living beings, what would be to extensive in any case because of the great number at living beings.

One can restrict oneself to two extreme examples, namely:

Onto the Environment Control Circuit with the human being, as the organically most highly developed living being,

Onto the Environment Control Circuit at the bacterium, as the organically in the smallest way developed living being.


as the organically most highly developed living being.

In the preceding chapter Psychology - their natural laws you found out already some about the Environment Control Circuit that a human being with the environment forms.

This control circuit is the Basic Law of the Psychology because from this control circuit Environment-Human being all appearances follow, that we assign to the psychology.


Insofar one speaks of psychology at an animal or at the animals, the Control Circuit Environment-Animal is the Basic Law of the ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY.

Of the control circuit as I described it nearer in the chapter Psychology - their natural laws, I insert a representation (illustration 3) here again.

The natural-legal basics of the Principle of all Life: The ENVIRONMENT-CONTROL CIRCUIT with the HUMAN BEING.Illustration 3:  The Environment Control Circuit with the human being. It is also the Basic Law of the Psychology, as it follows from this Environment Control Circuit all appearances that we assign to the psychology.

So that you recognise this environment control circuit more easily and it becomes familiar to you, I repeat the names (the expressions) of the individual components in this control circuit. I begin with the environment (the big box to the left):

Environment (controlled variables) --> event-so (actual value-so) --> sense organs, sense cells or receptors --> (to follow in the controller) actual value-p --> comparison (represented through the circle) with the required value/value of the reference --> corresponding value of the manipulated variable --> (outside of the controller) actuators (Behaviour organs) --> behaviour --> environment (controlled variables).

In this way the effect course is closed !

The human being needs the Environmental Control Circuit in order to improve, to optimise and to maximise his living conditions which are "by nature" indeed fundamentally given.

Through these control circuits (the environment-living being control circuits) a pre-regulation of what an organism needs for the life occurs.

It is in this way meant that the conditions, that are the surrounding objects, are influenced as also the processes in a way they ultimately the organism (the living being - here the human being) to be available in manner as favourable as possible and to support his life and survival or even make possible.

To this preregulation I would like to name some examples here.

It is a question of the behaviour by which the life and survival is safeguarded.
A human being does that for instance if he gets up every day and goes somewhere to the work. He works for money to bay food he needs, which is the most necessary for the life.
Formerly a human being received also the food in exchange for work.
But at all the actions, it was important to hold the organism ultimately healthily and strongly.

One can check that at all activities and state that all behaviour is ultimately always used only for receiving the organism.

In order to protect his organisms, the human being must intervene in the environment and change it. He does that e.g. when he fells trees, from that boards and token does and builds to the protection a house. Everything that happens in the Environment Control Circuit.

Fundamentally the Environmental-Living Being Control Circuit is not changed with all living beings. The differences lie in the details, as e.g. the controller which is the brain with more highly developed living beings. I will ask for details to that later.

Mentioned as already, I handled the human being Environment Control Circuit in the chapter Psychology - their natural laws and proceed now with the Environment Control Circuit at the bacterium.

the living being in an organically smallest way developed.

In the summer 2004 I had stated that with the human being the Environment Control Circuit is a complement to the Organic Control Circuits working in his organism which I mention Organic Control Circuit.

After that I stated also with other living beings that these control circuits complement themselves.

First of all I could find this complement with all living beings that I could find in immediate proximity of me as e.g. (sheep, dog, bird of prey, mouse, cat, horse, cow, and so forth).

What I still lacked was the observation or also only the proof through existing literature that this complement of the Organic Control Circuits through the behaviour in the Environment Control Circuit also with other living beings which can be observed only with special means (e.g. with a microscope).

Therefore I went some days after each other into the library. I had luck and found two books with descriptions for the behaviour of the bacterium Escherichia coli.

· The one book has the title "Labor Zelle". The author is David Goodsell and it appeared with the Springer publishing house in 1994.

­­­· The other book has the title "BIOCHEMIE". The author is Lubert Stryer and it appeared with Spectrum of THE SCIENCE in Heidelberg in 1990.
This book contains the more detailed description, for which I declare the page numbers 1041 to 1044 (and some following page if somebody would like to look up there.)

I summarise the behaviour of the bacterium there quite fully described here shortly.

First, however, you see in the following one a illustration to the bacterium and its scourges with which it is moved and carries out a behaviour in order to reach an environment with higher food concentration or to move from pollutants away.

Naturel-legal basics of the PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE:  BEHAVIOUR OF THE BACTERIA - Bacteria behave with help of its scourges.Illustration 4:  Already in living beings "in a small way" developed, as those ones are e.g. bacteria, highly complex processes occur and less are not considerable the processes that define the behaviour of these living beings in the environment, which is supposed to be shortly shown at the following example.

The Environment Control Circuit at the example bacterium

- Bacteria have "simple behaviour organs" and a "simple" controller.

- The "behaviour organs" consist e.g. at the bacterium Escherichia coli of an engine and a scourge driven by the engine.

The bacterium has about six of such drives with which it moves through his environment in order to reach nutrient-richer places or in order to move from harmful environment materials away.

- The bacterium measures in the cell interior the nutrient concentration in the environment and "compares" the change in order to behave by means of the scourges.

- If the nutrient concentration increases, the bacterium holds a direction. The rotation of the engine occurs in this case against the clockwise.

- If the nutrient concentration decreases, a reversal of the rotation of the engine occurs into the clockwise.

Through that the bacterium begins to stagger and some direction accepts. Then a reversal of the rotation of the engine occurs again so that it keeps on moving in another direction.

If the nutrient concentration increases, the bacterium keeps the direction.

- Also in the case of this "simple" kind of behaviours must at first an "organ" (here maybe not even an organelle) the determination find that e.g. the just given position or direction is to be changed or that e.g. the just given position or direction is to stay in this case.

It is accordingly also here the typical processes which define a control operation, indeed the comparing and the behaviour.

To this short description of the processes in the Environmental-Bacterium Control Circuit I present a graphic representation of the control circuit to you now.

The natural-legal basics of the PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE: The ENVIRONMENT-CONTROL CIRCUIT with the BACTERIA.Illustration 5:  The Environment Control Circuit at the bacterium

I declare the effect course again:

Environment (controlled variables) --> actual valueR --> chemical receptors --> actual value --> required value-actual value-comparison (represented through the small circle in the controller --> corresponding value of the manipulated variable --> actuators = engine and scourge --> behaviour --> environment (controlled variables).

The effect course closes also here !

This effect course does not distinguish in the fundamental one in anything from the effect course which a human being with the environment must maintain in order to live and to survive.

If the living being bacterium and human being are distinct through their biological evolution into about few billions of years, then that affects ultimately "only" in an "increase" of the Anatomical-Physiological Equipment and the extended relationship of the human being for the environment occurred from that.


With the two examples of the environmental control circuits at the bacterium and with the human being I considered the entire organic (biological) development (evolution) of all living beings.

Every living being maintains such control circuits with the environment.

Also plants show a behaviour, through that they with their possibilities and under the conditions of the environment use all advantages and the disadvantages avoid.

So plants put their roots where they have a better hold and find more food in the ground there. They open their blossoms with in the case of heat or light, because or if this is useful, and so forth.

That is therefore the one control circuit type, that the environment and the living being includes.

1. The controlled variable lies in the environment.

2. It emerges the behaviour which a living being needs out of this control circuit in order to behave so if possible that it achieves maximum security (safety) under the possibilities given to him and the conditions which the environment sets him for his organism and in this way for his life and survival.


Attempt with own words to say what the actual purpose of the Environment-Living Being Control Circuit is.

You attempt to name some details that must be realised in this control circuit in this way to be guaranteed life and survival.

It is food procurement, food supply, absorption of nutrients, it is behaviour for the backup of air (because of oxygen at animals), it is the mating (the sexual procedure) for the purpose of propagation, and so forth? - please say what you still remember to that?

Attempt to name also some details different for animal and human being in this control circuit concerning the expenditure to the life and survival.


With the examples of Environment Control Circuits with the human being and at the bacterium, I have considered the entire organic (biological) development (evolution).

I showed, that the most basic processes are comparison and behaviour. All living beings must curry out the processes comparison and behaviour in control circuits (closed-loop control systems) that they form with the environment in order to live and to survive.

But the comparing and behaviour is not restricted only to control circuits which living beings with the environment form, but they are also the most fundamental processes in organisms.

Control operations (controls and closed control circuits) in organisms are necessary in order to build up an organism and to maintain receive it.

Since control operations work in an organism, I mention it Organic Control Circuits.


The before mentioned control circuits (closed-loop control systems) which I mention Environmental Control because environment and living being form control circuits and the controlled variable lies in the environment were not up to now known and not described.

Control operations that in a living being - in an organism - (I mention it Organic Control Circuits (or organically control circuits) are already since longer time known.

One finds some of such control operations into specialised books of the physiology and already into that one school books described to the biology. (sometimes the description is not very correct there.)

These control operations that work in the whole organism are not recognised yet as control operations by far and already not at all their connections (contexts).

You see an Organ Control Circuit drawn into reds in the illustration 2, that stays for all in a great number running controlled processes.

Organ Control Circuits are it, that one it makes possible, that a so-called internal balance (the Homöostase) is established and received.

One speaks in this context also of the balanced state achieved by "physiological cycles" (the Homöostase) of the organisms which is necessary to the preservation of their existence.

For better understanding of the necessity of Organic Control Circuits in an organism it is referred to the simple consideration first of all that living beings have a native organic construction (an own Anatomical-Physiological Equipment *).

One like that can only be achieved and maintained, if it is built according to a plan and than maintained also after a plan.

*) Remark:
Anatomical-Physiological Equipment (A.-P.E.) is a denomination introduced by me and a concept which I will describe at other place still more precisely.

A plan instructs what "is supposed" to be done. We know today about the plans in the heritage material, the genes.

In the strategy for the construction and the preservation of an organism genes contain at least what we refer to as reference variables and required values with in the case of controlled operations.
With these "specifications" the organisms can arrange their native construction.

Condition is, that they receive the corresponding construction matter (nutrients) from the environment and the environment offers further conditions to the life and survival (see Environment Control Circuit ).

Therefore both types of Control Circuits - the Organic Control Circuits and the Environment Control Circuit - must complement themselves.


The Principle of all Life:   

Both control circuits, the first handled Environment Control Circuit (ECC) and the Organic Control Circuits (OCC) complement themselves and make life possible and form thus "The Principle of all Life".                               

Every organism maintains control circuits with the environment, as also such those ones which work in his organism and which to construction characteristic of the species and his preservation are used.

Before my proceeding with some examples at which the complement is supposed to be made more understandable, I offer you a further representation (representation nr. 3/illustration 6) for the Principle of all Life.

In the preceding representation of the Principle of all Life in illustration 2, I have referred on the "cross connection and interweavement" of the Environmental- and Organical Control Circuits and pointed out these with a curved, blue line without paying attention to that more precisely.

In this representation following now I go on and show the probably most fundamental "kind of the connection" (co-ordination) with the essential control operations, those of the supply to organisms are used.

THE PRINCIPLE OF ALL (of every) LIFE (Representation Nr. 3)Illustration 6: The complement of the control circuits. The illustration shows also different controlled variables in the environment. One of them is the oxygen in the air which I passed through as an example for the Organic Control Circuits.

In this "co-ordination" the Organic Control Circuits (OCC) of an organism (drawn into reds) with his characteristic Anatomical-Physiological Equipment of the species announces, when a participation of the Environment Control Circuit (ECC) is necessary.

But it doesn't stay with this strict linking of the Organic Control Circuits (Organic Control System) and the Environmental Control Circuits (Environment Control System), particularly with man, however, not generally.
The human being can unfold activities also independently of the strict organic needs. That is on the one hand useful, because it can take precautions also without a compelling need existing provision for e.g. food. And he can carry out the many activities which lead to the protection of the feeding and security of life.

But man can act and employ himself also without a sensible reason which causes in the end, too, that he damages himself and his environment.
E.g. the great problems of the people arise from the freedom not to have to act anymore only if required to the cover of the basic needs of the life and survival then. The questions for man arise from that: What are they supposed to do? What are they supposed to avoid? What is useful?, and so forth.
There are the problems which arise with the Postbiological development process of man (see the chapter: Die postbiologische Entwicklung - not in English unfortunately).
Such an Postbiological Development Process occurs after the biological evolution of man (after biological development process of man) and it is up to now unique in the history of the living beings and we experience and we design this Postbiolocal Development Process - we, the people of the type homo sapiens who have lived, who live today and who still will live.

An active complement as there is it here, a "connection" (a "communication" and a "communication place") requires, so that this complement serves the purpose.
The preceding illustration shows the "communication place" (connection).
More explanations for this process I will give in touch with the following examples.

The following examples will show you the purpose of the Complement of the Environment (ECC)- and the Organic Control Circuits (OCC).


3.1.1  Example to the:  Regulation of the oxygen concentration in the blood

Through the control operations working in the organism (I mentioned it Organic Control Circuits (OCC)), also the oxygen concentration is controlled for example in the blood.

At first once it is coarsely said that this happens through the respiration. You breathe "more deeply" and more quickly if you need more oxygen.
Let's assume you would not receive oxygen sufficiently in spite of that because you work in an office in which many people are and the office is badly ventilated. Your organism "announces" to itself in such a way that this lack of oxygen becomes "conscious" to you on that.
If that comes, you seek then for the cause and the possibilities to remove the lack. Accordingly you state that from time to time people must ventilate the room.
  --> You do that when you go to the window and open it. In this way you change something in your environment. In this way your Environment Control Circuit goes into action and supply your environment with an oxygen-richer air (it is the controlled variable in the ECC). This oxygen richer environment need the Organic Control Circuit in order to hold the necessary oxygen concentration in the blood and to control the necessary oxygen concentration.

3.1.2  Example to the: Regulation of the body temperature

You are somewhere in free landscape in the sun shines and it is very warm, really hot. Your organism "answers" and on the other hand leads you a something too do.

--> You will call your Environment Control Circuit when you move in the shadow. With this now shady environment, your organism with his possibilities, that is his Organic Control Circuits, can control the temperature needed for the body again.

If you, however, go in "normal" weather for a walk and an icy wind blows at the same time, will turn then you up to the collars of your jacket, to put on gloves, and so forth. In this way you get your body at his surface an ambient temperature that makes possible it, that the Organic Control Circuits can hold the body in the interior on the necessary temperature.

3.1.3  Example to the: Regulation of the light on the retina

You wander in a shady forest. Everything is pleasant and it is sufficiently light for your eyes in order to provide you the surroundings. Onto the retina of your eyes light comes sufficiently through the pupils, because these in an Organic Control Circuit were opened correspondingly.
Now you come from the forest into some bright environment in which the sun shines directly into your face. It becomes too bright for your eyes, that is the amount of the light can not be controlled by the pupil anymore.

--> Now you must help with the Environment Control Circuit, when you at least put your hand in front of your eyes and between the direct sun (other people put on some sunglasses). In this way you work into the environment and get the corresponding environment for your organ eye.
That means, at your pupil only so much light is now, so that the Organic Control Circuits - in which the radial and the circular muscles of the iris the final control elements are - are able to control the proper amount of light on the retina.


By means of these examples and the illustration 6 (reprsentation nr. 3) you could do certainly an idea of the complement of the control circuits, which constitute the Principle of all Life.

If you liked, you go through these examples a further time and pursue the processes at a further representation (representation nr. 4/illustration 7) that I insert then now here.
This representation contains some details more and represents in this way also the functional context of the complement more precisely. (It is a question in this case of essential differences in the effect course and functions and not about around changes in the colours or line thickness, and so forth).

I have added some boxes without describing the contents. Please you yourself consider what these boxes must contain. I announce the description of the boxes at some time later.             


THE PRINCIPLE OF ALL (OF EVERY) LIFE  (Representation Nr. 4)Illustration 7: The complement of the control circuits. The illustration shows also different controlled variables in the environment. One of them ist the oxygen content in the air. I passed this controlled variable through to the following Organic Control Circuits as an example.


Go through the examples again and try to find out the substantial differences in the illustration 7 compared with the previous illustration 6. If you can name these differences correctly, that would be an proof for your understanding essential one of the principle of all life.                           

As already before mentioned, you attempt to add to the boxes without text, the corresponding text.

These were examples which show the complement of the Environmental Control Circuits (ECC) to the Organic Control Circuits (OCC) at the human being. They show, how the conditions in the environment through the behaviour in the Environmental Control Circuit are created or so influenced (so changed) become, that the own body (the own organism) can function.

I must add in this context, that any behaviour of which a human being carries out, is provided for making the organism functional and to receiving the organism. This does not like to be in first consideration obviously or even intelligible appear, however it is right.

Not only with the organism human being is this complement necessary and available, but also with all other organisms - at animals and at plants - what I already showed at the example of the bacterium.


Name still more examples with people, animals and plants in which you show the complement of the two control circuit types (Environment Control Circuit and Organic Control Circuits) and describe the complement of the two control circuit types.     

Describe for example the way of the processes of the "hungerfeeling" up to the absorption of nutrients and saturation. Orientate yourself at the following illustration where the food is already typed in as a controlled variable.

Illustration 7.b

The principle of all life for a better view now represented in a pdf-file:



OCC's stands for Organic Control Circuits.

The subject of the required values and the reference variable as also of the standard and actuel values is complex. At this place I present a first and short treatise.   

Values (required, standard and actual values) in the organic control circuits refer to biological (organic) properties of organisms. One mentions these properties also sizes.

Sizes are properties which can be measured.

Such sizes are the eye internal pressure e.g. at the eye, at the heart is it e.g. the frequency with that one the heart in the minute beats and at the blood vessels it is e.g. the blood pressure.

BIOLOGICAL SIZES, Definitions and examples 

Since these sizes are properties of living beings, I designate it biological sizes or organical sizes.

Two Definitions

1. Value (it refers to required, standard and actual value)

What we mean with value, is the product from a number (a numerical value) and the unit of a biological size.

2. Biological sizes (organical sizes)

Biological sizes are measurable properties of organisms. These are expressed through the product from numerical value and the unit. A unit has to be defind for a biological size.

Example haemoglobin
The haemoglobin measured with a human being (patients) is e.g. 14,8 g/dl.
That means: The biological size is the haemoglobin. 14,8 is the numerical value and g/dl is the unit.

Example blood pressure
Even if the pressure (measured in mm mercury column or in another unit) is at first a physical size, a property of the life and thus a biological size is the blood pressure so.
With the blood pressure measurement two values are determined. One is that of the systolic ("upper"), that other that of the diastolic ("lower") blood pressure.
The systolic is e.g. 120 mmHg (millimetre mercury column) and the diastolic e.g. 80 mmHg.
The systolic and the diastolic blood pressure is the biological size in each case. 120 and/or 80 are the numerical value and mmHg (mm of mercury column) the unit is.

Example heartbeat (Heartrequency)
The heartbeats are measured per time. Usual is, the "strokes" to measure in the minute. 72 strokes in the minute corresponds 1,2 Hz (Hz - read Hertz, named after the physicist Heinrich Hertz - is the unit for the frequency, therefore the defined repeating "changes'" in the second).
The biological size is the heartbeat (the heart frequency). 1,2 the numerical value and Hz (Hertz = 1/second) the unit is.

Anatomical and physiological sizes

One might go further to distinguish and speak e.g. of anatomical and physiological sizes.

The height or the weight of a human being would be then anatomical sizes, on the other hand e.g. the blood pressure and the heartbeat rather to the physiological sizes would have to be assigned.

I would not like to follow first of all these distinctions at this place, but would like to speak generally of sizes that occur with living beings and mention this at first biological or organic sizes.

Where are there biological sizes and their values in the effect course of the organic control circuit system represented?

To the right in the illustration 7 (representation number 4 of the Principle of all Life) you see Required valueO = Normal values (what also means standard values) shortenedly standing with the organ control circuits closed-loop systems as a required value. What means that?

With living beings the required values are not exact values, but they lie in a possible tolerance zone which "healthy" living beings have and to which one refers as standard values accordingly. Therefore one also says: the values are supposed to lie in a certain range of values.

We people know this normal range e.g. from the blood pressure or heartbeat measurement. We have for example "120 on 80 blood pressure", then that is normal or good.

We keep on knowing this normal range e.g. from the investigation of our blood properties in the lab. There are biological sizes.
In such a report you find the determined actual values and next to that the normal range or reference stands mostly.

For example the normal range for haemoglobin lies between 14.0 and 17.5 g/dl.

Every living being has such a range of the standard values depending on whether which ANATOMICAL-PHYSIOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT that marks it as a kind.

So living beings of different kind have e.g. different values what concerns e.g. the heartbeat (pulse). This is for the human being around the 70 to 80 strokes per minute. With other living beings the heartbeat is e.g. much higher or slower.

The origin of the standard values

How does result the standard values of the biological (organic) properties?

Biological properties developed in the biological evolution. They are left with the birth by living beings according to the native ANATOMICAL-PHYSIOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT.
That is not different at the bacteria than with the human being.

Said as already, these biological properties with the standard values developed in a biological evolution.

The influence of the selection

At the development and determination of biological sizes, the selection participated.

For living beings which the actual values made them less powerfully and less survival-capably, did not survive, or at least less contributed to the propagation. So the biological properties with certain values continued and remained.

In the normal range the values of biological properties are supposed to lie accordingly.

Let's stay with the organic control circuits (closed-loop control systems) with the human being.

The properties of the blood are measured in the lab, then these are the so-called actual values. These should lie in the range of the standard values (normal values).

If the actual values lie in the normal range, then we do not need to make ourselves any worries and do not need to do anything also furthermore.

If an actual value lies outside or far outside of the normal range, the doctor with the patient attempts then through medicines or other measures to influence these values so, that they reach the normal range.

In this way I provided you an idea of some biological sizes and their values.

If you want, you attempt to answer the following questions.


1. What do so-called values refer to?
2. What must be recognised first of all so that one reasonably and correctly can talk about "values"? Is it the size (a size) or the unit or both.
3. You explain the difference of the denomination required value and standard value.
4. What is an actual value?


At the moment, I still am preparing the contents to this complex topic of the sizes and values in the environmental control systems.


With that I have shown the Principle of all Life and I can come to a short summary.

Every living being shows behaviour. Through the behaviour the living being works in the environment surrounding it. The behaviour is a part of the control circuit which a living being with the environment forms. I mention it environmental control circuits (ECC).

It is the purpose of the behaviour of a living being, to use the conditions given by the environment and to influence them favourably for the promotion of his life and survival.
To use the environment and to influence it favourably, means most first of all a behaviour through that nutrient stuff is provided, which a living being needs.

The nutrient stuff is used by the organically control circuits (OCC)  inside of a living being for life and for survive.

In this way the environmental and organ control circuits complement themselves and form a principle, a lawfulness which makes lives possible.
You could see these ways of effects for instance at the bacteria.

Also the behaviour of the human being is primarily achieved on being used for his life and survival.
Now it can be, that some readers object that, firstly, the behaviour cannot be only for the purpose of life and to survive!
Secondly they could say, that the human being behaves also so that it harms him!

To the First:

When a human being practises for example leisure time sport (for example jogging and games), therefore athletically worked, it will say then "I do that because it does me fun and not for life or survival", but it will also be able to say then "I do it because it is for me well."
Through that it is also confirmed that it is for its organism well.

Or maybe if another human being puts a lot of value for example on conversation, entertainment and relationship and looks after these, it will say: "I do it because I like it."
However, it practices conversation and entertainment in order not to be alone, in order to deal intellectually, in order to remain active. All these affects its physical state (the organism). One speaks in this context of a "healthy spirit in a healthy body".
Through relationships in turn hoped for one mutual help and support, whether to attain in the daily life or around a work or to be received in a circle looked at. That means that through all our social engagements shall benefit the own organism (the "body") ultimately.

By all these behaviours one can safeguard the own life, when the health of the body (the organism) which represents the individual primarily is received ultimately and supported.

To the Second:

The human being acts also in a way that it harms him. This is correct; but stands, however, not contrary to the fundamental purpose of the behaviour of living beings, indeed, that the behaviour has the purpose to serve the living being.

But the human being can not act exclusively so that only advantages result from that for it. In addition also every action for the own advantage, is not always also an advantage for other people.

There is a by nature given dilemma which affects the homo sapiens sapiens, it is a nature-legal dilemma.

The human being can not prevent therefore behaviour which is not used only for the purpose of the life and survival primarily one. That is the dilemma of the human being of the type homo sapiens sapiens.
It is a by nature given dilemma, that is a nature-legal dilemma.

No living being had the conditions as the human being, to go through a postbiological development.
His dilemma arises from that, however. Primary, however, not from the fact of the postbiological development, but because of the nature-legal sizes that work in this process.
I describe the sizes which work in the postbiological development process in the chapter "Die postbiologische Entwicklung" (unfortunately not in English) of this home page.

I will still write about this dilemma as a nature-legal factor and the effects and consequences of this dilemma, if not in an own chapter, then in the chapter "Psychology - their natural laws", to which the effects and the consequences of this dilemma belong.


What is first of all given here in the principle of all life is following: Two complex objects - a living being and the environment - are in a certain relationship, in "connection" to each other and in a certain dependence on each other. And here it is demanded at all changes, which in the environment and also in the living being occur, a state of balance (an equilibrium) to be hold.   

In the preceding illustrations 6 and 7 you find the condition for the equilibrium in each case in the form of two equations e=Required-Actual. There are equations which result from the process of the comparing which continuously occurs.
As smaller the difference Required-Actual is, as nearer we are to a balanced state. The balanced state is at a difference nearer to zero or at zero most complete.

There is an equation in the organic closed control circuit and the other one in the environmental closed control circuit, according to the processes of the comparing in these two areas.

In the illustration 7 you find the equation eO = RequiredO - ActualO in the organic closed control circuit and the equation eL = Control InputU (Required valueL) - Actual valueU in the closed environmental control circuit.

As frequently already said, these equations are to be understood always as a deputy for the sum of the comparisons in many control circuits, that in the organ control circuits and in the environmental control circuits take place!

Also here I would not like to give any more precise explanations at first further, but would like to keep it for the future.


The most significant and at the same time most surprising result of this discovery of THE PRINCIPLE OF ALL LIFE is the process of comparison.

The great importance of the process of comparison becomes especially for the brain research respectively for the brain researchers and the psychology respectively for the psychologists one of the most surprising results.

In the same way it will be, however, also the most meaningful result for these sciences and scientists since these know now which priorities and objectives the activities are attributed in the brain and which course these must take.
In this case the effect course in the closed control circuits is from a superordinate importance.

All processes in the brain, independent of that as significantly they are, occur ultimately only in order a comparison to be provided with.

The importance of the process comparisons as it occurs in the brain with organically more highly developed living beings, is underlined and emphasised by the fact, that the process of the comparisons takes place also with organically less developed living beings that do not have any brain, as e.g. bacteria.
You could find this prooved in the example with the environment-living being control circuits. (See the here represented environment-bacteria control circuit in the illustration 5).
Certainly there is a chain of processes in the brain and all are significant, but the most significant process is the comparison !

Without the comparison (comparing) no result that leads to a purposeful behaviour - as it is necessary for living beings - would be achieved.

Without this comparison (comparing) the behaviour would be left to the "coincidence", comparably a "coincidence" as it is given during the lotto.
(It should be found out with which probability a necessary purpose - here a necessary behaviour - would be reached.)

What ever we do, everything the result of a comparison is even if this seems so very improbable next to us.

Fundamentally this fact of the comparison is represented in the form of an equation e= required - actual.
The comparison is mathematical through the difference e = required value - actual value expressed.

Secondary remark:
This nature-legal relationship (expressed through the mentioned equation e=reqired-actual) is for the science of the life of at least so great importance, as the nature-legal context discovered by Einstein expressed in the formula (the equation) E= m·c² , for the physics is.

With that the Principle of all Life is shown and proved and I can come to a conclusion.


There is not any difference with organisms of different organic (biological) development (evolution) concerning the fundamental and energetic processes which they must carry out, in order to live and in order to survive.

These processes work under the lawfulness of the control circuits as I showed it here.

Organisms in an also organically small way developed have "an equipment" to carry out a behaviour that is useful for them and that they need to the life and survival.

As the examples showed, that is not different at the bacterium than with the human being. About the nevertheless existing differences, but at this principle nothing changing, I will teach more in details.


Till now, there hardly is a so definite and basic proof of the theory of evolution of Charles Darwin like the legitimacy of the principle of all life.There is hardly any proof of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution as clear and fundamental as this law of the principle of all life that I have discovered and presented here. Without a basic principle of life like this, which is the basis of all living things, biological evolution would not have been possible.

All life and the functioning of all living beings are based on the two fundamental control systems - organic control circuits and environmental control circuits - and their complement for the purpose of the life.

There was this principle already with the first and "simply" organised living beings. Since it was not changed also with the further, highly and more highly organised living beings and kept on remaining the basis of all functions, one must deduce so, that all living beings kept on being developed have followed from the lower organised living beings. 
Said in another way it means: Under this Principle of Life changes of the organisms have taken place, which led to more and more complex biological structures and organisms which we generally describe as a biological evolution (biological development).
According to this this led also to more complex interactions (communications) with the environment as they are given especially with the human being.

This principle works therefore with all living beings. All living beings function according to this principle. Therefore this principle a natural law is - the basic law of life!


The literature offers many considerations for a definition of the life, for which I take position again at the end of this chapter to that. What therefore is life?
During this treatise I already gave definitions of the life. All these and other possible definitions are based ultimately on the Basic Law (the principle) of all life as I described it here. (The representation of the Basic Law of all life is already the definition of the life.) A real need for an (additional) definition is not therefore available from scientific view!

Definitions as possible paraphrases of the Basic Law of all life can be, however, helpful for such persons who did not yet understand the effect of the control circuits complementing themselves which are the most basic, most comprehensive and actual definition of the life ultimately.
For this reason I would like to come, at the end of this treatise, to a possible definition of the life which expresses the special importance of the behaviour for the life.

Such a definition can be (must be) as follows:

There is life if an organic construction which forms a certain delimitation (e.g. through a membrane) arises from materials of the world (that we mention environment afterwards) and this organic construction carries out a behaviour, that serves his preservation (and delimitation), that is itself, for a time long, that we mention "a life".

In this definition the emphasis lies on an organic construction which carries out a behaviour. In fact the behaviour is the decisive feature of a living being, because without behaviours there is not any living being.

Not only, that a living being behaves according to the environment, also his organic components as e.g. the organs behave so that they are used for the organism (the organic construction) as a whole whether this is now onecellular or multicellular.

Living beings in an already organically small way developed show a behaviour without which they are not capable for the life. As I showed in this chapter at the example of a bacterium, the bacterium carries out a behaviour by means of his scourges.

The behaviour by means of scourges is already an "advanced behaviour", because even if bacteria do not have any scourges, they carry out a behaviour so by means of their membrane.
With the behaviour of the membran they determine, which materials agree - e.g. certain molecules and ions - with admission into the cell or not. That is already a selection which is based on a comparison which is a characteristic of a controlled process (controlled circuit). With more highly developed living beings cell associations, so called cell associations, as organs, carry out in addition to the cells "advanced behaviour".

If one takes the importance of the behaviour as a basis therefore for the life, one keeps on having to ask oneself then how it results in this behaviour, which is so done that it is used for the own life? The answer to this question leads then ultimately to the control circuits complementing themselves as a definition for the life.


Maybe you doubt about it being a question of The Principle of all Life here because you think such a principle (such a natural law) would have to consist of chemical formulas or chemical descriptions. You imagine that so in particular therefore because you are e.g. biologist or biochemist.

Think about what you did not consider and why we have to do it here in fact with the Principle of all Life.

I want to give following help for your considerations and for your answers:

What would be, if an organism did mainly not consist of the elements now known to us (C,H,O,N,S,P) but from other elements and their combinations?

The Principle of the Life (of all Life) could be then another, as the one discovered by me and here introduced?

Would these other elements and their combinations not have to be subjected to the same lawfulness of the control circuits complementing themselves so that we can speak of the life?

Or in an other way asked:

If an organism (a living being) consisted of other elements and materials than of those ones which it consists of now, the chemical and physiological processes that define the life could subordinate themselves then to another principle?, or nevertheless the principle would have to be always the same one, the one indeed of the control circuits complementing themselves?

With your answer you may turn with pleasure to me and demand a price.


I have a request to you now:

Since my native language is not the English language, will presumably be faults in the text. I would be very grateful if you would draw my attention to faults.

You find my address at the end of the chapter: LECTURES, lessons and contact.

I will rework also this chapter continuously in order to offer you if possible better descriptions and representations. Please still come around therefore on this page at a later visit.

Many thanks for your interest!

Your Dietmar West

Released: 04/2008  (07/2010)
--> keeps on working: 30.09.2008; 22.12.08; 06.01.09; 21.10.09; 06.11.09; 29.01.10; 08.2010;
--> English: 13.08.2010;
22.08.2011:  3.2 Requiered, standard and actual values in the organic control circuits
08.03.2015:  3. But it doesn't stay ...  still will live.
20.07.2015:  7. Too: DEFINITIONS OF THE LIFE